French Desserts

French Desserts. From the classic home of good cuisine, a wander through the myriad of desserts traditional to the country.

French Desserts

Some of our most popular desserts come from various parts of the world.

Sweet French Crepes are a great option for weddings and parties, drizzled in Nutella and packed with fruit and cream.

But what else do our Gallic cousins offer for that after dinner treat.

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In Today’s Instagram Generation, Everything You Do Will Be All Over The Web, It hasn’t just got to be good, it has to look good too.

 Gateau Basque

The classic Basque cake, consisting of two layers pf shortcrust pastry filled with either black cherry preserve or vanilla flavoured pastry cream.

Additionally common flavourings can include lemon zest, almond or rum. Although a Basque delicacy, it is the French Basque region it hails from.

By Popo le Chien – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Marron Glace

A dried and candied chestnut, extremely popular during the festive season. Quite an expensive treat due to the time taken in its preparation, they have a unique texture and slightly sweet flavour.

The first recipe for these appeared in teh 16th Century around Lyon in France. Enthusiasts claim the dessert is best cinsumed on its own with a warm cup of tea.

By “passamanerie” / flaviab –

Meringue Cookies

Made with a thick and stiff mixture of whipped egg whites and sugar. Piped out in small blobs and baked until puffed up and crisp.

These are often enhanced with additional flavours , colourings, nuts or fruit.

Also known as meringue kisses.

Crepes Suzette

One of the most famous French Desserts. Supposedly invented in Monaco by Henri Charpentier in 1895. According to the legend he was a 15 year old assistant waiter working in Monte Carlo’s Cafe de Paris, who accidentally set fire to a pan of crepes being prepared for the Prince of Wales.

After burning the sauce and deciding the crepes tasted better for it, he served the dessert and named it after the prince’s companion, a beautiful French girl names Suzette.

Hire our crepes service.


Regarded as the Corsican version of cheesecake, this is prepared with fresh whey cheese, eggs, sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. The base can be enriched with local liqueurs.

Once prepared as a staple dish for special occasions during the holiday season, but now eaten regularly. Served on its own, or smothered in honey, and eaten with fesh fruit.

Image Courtesy Of De Amasuela, Luis Lafuente Agudin
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Baba au rhum

Small yeast dough sponge cakes filled with currants, baked in a ring mold and soaked in rum. Also known as rum baba.

The hole in the centre of the cake is filled with either fresh fruit, pastry or fresh cream.

Believed to have been invented by Nicolas Stohrer a pastry chef cooking for exiled Polish King Stanislas Lesczynska

By Popo le Chien – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

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