Tag: photobooth

Fun Story, Photo Booths

Its Never Too Late, End Disability Hate

18 September 2020

Over the years we have carried out a number of corporate jobs, where we have had to brand the photo booth for a client. This can range from a single sticker on the side of a retro booth, to a complete vinyl wrap. Usually they are for Christmas parties or sales promotions, but we did one job that was totally different. This time it was an anti discrimination drive to help end disability hate.

Disability Video Booth

We were contracted to supply a fully wrapped video booth for a North East police force. This was to visit a number of libraries and community centres. This was to allow people to talk about nasty experiences that had been due to their disabilities.

Retro Photo Booths For Hire
Our Fully Wrapped Video Booth

We had one of our regular photo booths fully wrapped by a local company we use. We also extended it and removed the seat. This would allow wheelchair users to access the booth, and we added an uprated microphone system to the unit. All of our booths have video capabilities, but as this was designed to capture their stories we improved the mike systems.

Stott Him On The Heed

The first day we operated was I think Sunderland library. I turned up and set the booth up, and was joined by a couple of females P.C.’s that would be staying with me for the event.

The first client was a young lad. He stood in the booth and asked me what he was supposed to say. I explained that if he had experienced anything nasty he should talk about it.

“Well I was picked on a couple of weeks ago by a lad, should I say that?”

Definitely I replied,

“Then I picked a brick up and stotted it off his heed, should I say that?”

Erm, I think I will get this lady PC to talk to you as I am not sure how that will go down.

For those Southerners that haven’t encountered the North East dialects. Basically he was confessing to smacking his tormentor over the head with a brick.

The PC seemed to think he would be OK, as we weren’t taking names in the data and he left his story. I was a bit worried as over the day we had about 20 visitors. Now usually we have a couple of hundred go through a booth at a wedding or something. So this looked terrible. But the Police Officers seemed over the moon at the response. I guess the client being happy was all that counted.

Further Promotion

Looking back on the internet to see if there was anything mentioning the initiative, as it was back in about 2013, I discovered that the Northumberland Police force had actually posted a number of the video clips on Youtube.

They should be watched as some of them are heartbreaking.

I spent a considerable amount of time with the female police teams in the various towns we visited. At one location we had a fairly high ranking officer down. We were getting on really well when she received a phone call and told me she had to rush off. I did see her the next day and she explained that there had been an incident with a guy running amok with a knife. An officer had evidently tasered him, but unfortunately he had previously soaked himself in petrol. Seems that electricity and petrol soaked perpetrators turn into Roman candles pretty quickly.

Fun Story, General, Photo Booths

Photo-booth Project To Re-home Sheltered Dogs

31 March 2019

A Photographer from an animal rescue and adoption organization in the U.S started to use photo booth style images to re-home sheltered dogs. The idea came from photographer Guinnevere Shuster who is known for helping black dogs to get adopted. The aim is to show potential adopters what the dog would really look like if you allowed them into your home and to show them naturally rather than posed or behind caged doors which they currently live in. Who’d have thought that a photo booth helps to re home dogs

Trying to capture the dogs special and individual personality is a hard task however Shuster managed to do this perfectly by using a photo booth layout making the photo booth project to re-home sheltered dogs a huge success story.

More and more dogs are being found abandoned or being returned to the shelter for a number of reasons, for example when circumstances change it may mean that a family doesn’t have time to look after the family dog anymore and therefore want to put the dog up for adoption in a hope that they will find their forever homes. The photos produced are meant to help the dogs to look friendlier and show their full potential as a loving and fun addition to the home.

Records show that with these new photo booth style images 93.26% of the dogs are now finding new homes which is a record high for the humane society of Utah dog shelter.

The photo booth style portraits show four individual images of the dogs and come with a personal description of each animal. Here are some examples of the portraits:

Lady – Been Adopted

“We’re pretty sure a few cartoon artist have used LADY as their muse. This seemingly aloof wallflower actually loves attention after spending a few minutes getting to know you. LADY is a four year old Doberman Pincher. Dobermans are known to be good natured, extreme loyalty, highly intelligent, and have great trainability”

Andie – Been Adopted

“Looking for someone to keep up with you on the trail, who can make you smile first thing when you wake up in the mornings? You should probably come meet Andie! This 3 year old Boxer mix is a great catch! Not only is she incredibly athletic and great at playing fetch and tug… she also knows her basic commands like sit, stay, down and leave it, AND she LOVES kids”


Fun Story, Photo Booths

Prison or holiday home?

20 February 2019

Do we want our prisoners in a prison or holiday home.

The latest available data shows a current prison population of approximately 92,500 in the United Kingdom, in context for the population of England and Wales alone that’s 179 prisoners per 100,000 of the population. With the highest age bracket being between 30-39 with over 25 thousand prisoners, followed closely by the age bracket 25-29 and with only 645 prisoners aged 15-17 years old.

When thinking about these shocking statistics and, the number of criminals that are behind bars little thought is spared for the family at home. The partner that’s now left to look after the family on their own. The kids who don’t understand what’s happening but know that mummy or daddy isn’t around anymore? The parents who don’t know where they went wrong but now their child is wasting away in a prison cell?  

Well good news a Nottinghamshire private prison facility has introduced a photo booth into their family visitor’s rooms in early march. They are installing the photo booth so that inmates can take photos with family members. This is to help reinforce both a positive atmosphere for children who are visiting their parents in the prison. Also for the inmates to have the opportunity to bond with their family. This creates a positive rehabilitation experience.

The oxford dictionary definition:

Prison : A building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime or while awaiting trial

This has received much backlash from others who have expressed that by installing the photo booths into the prisons its making the legal punishment system a laughing stock. Promoting prisons as a holiday home rather than a building which legally holds people as a punishment.

I personally feel that this small movement can help to make the transition for children visiting parents slightly easier and more comfortable because let’s face it the children are innocent, it’s not their fault that they have a parent who’s broken the law yet they now have to live with this and being punished also.

Kid reaching for a prisoners hand

Prisoners at the privately-run  HMP Lowdham Grange gave the opportunity to use the booth to capture group shots. With relatives during visits, an inspection report revealed. Ministers introduced the photo booth initiative having highlighted the importance of enabling prisons to have relationships with their loved ones when behind bars. Providing positive reinforcement helps with reintegration.

The photo booth gives a print out that both the family and inmate can keepp. Allowing them to share memories and keep each other close. Im sure you all agree that punishing the prisoner is fine. However as a society we shouldn’t be punishing their innocent children. After all they too are victims of their parents wrong doing!