Category: Fun Story

Fun Story

A Scary Story

3 March 2019

Do you like a scary story? Have you ever visited a haunted house or a ghost train at the fairground? They’re not normally the scariest thing in the world, the aim is to entertain all age groups whilst adding a few jumps and scares along the way, maybe the cobwebs will get you, or the scary dressed actor at the end will jump out at you and scream boo? Or the ghost sound effects will follow you throughout your journey, but overall it tends to be an enjoyable experience that leaves you feeling like the bravest person at the fairground because you conquered it!

Are you the kind of person that conquered the fairground scares without pooing your pants and think that you’re ready to take on something even scarier?  Maybe you’re ready to take on the haunted house that has been named the world’s scariest and I have to agree it sounds gruelling and terrifying.

The haunted McKamey Manor found in California has been compared to a real life horror movie which follows visitors between four different locations in the manor. The whole experience is filmed from entrance to exit which means family, spectators, and all round scaredy cats who don’t fancy the experience can watch the drama unfold through hidden cameras in each room. The whole experience is said to last between 4 to 8 hours however it’s seen that most people don’t last the full experience.

Speaking To The Owner

The founder is a big fan of horror movies which is where he got inspiration from to create his haunted mansion. Russ said: “Nothing is like what we do. It’s like living your own horror movie. There are four different locations, which have been streamlined for hard-core fans, determined to make it through. I consider the people who take part in these haunts as my friends because I research and spend time with them before they go on the haunt. Everything is very interactive: the experience – and challenges – are to prove what you can and can’t do.”

McKamey stated he’d invested over £383,000 into creating the experience he also doesn’t ask visitors for money to carry out the experience but just a donation to a local Dog kennel organisation.

No two visits to the Manor are ever the same but all as equally grueling, with actors, sound effects, live animals and animations used throughout the four areas. It is said to have made grown men cry. Each session holds two people at a time and each application has to be checked. It is alleged that participants can be slapped, bound and made to eat and hold disgusting things. In 2008 one person supposedly suffered a heart attack during a session. A scary story indeed.

It’s A No From Me

Im a big fan of horror films, even watching them in the dark on my own but I draw the line at this ghost house. Even though it’s all physiological and your safe throughout the entire experience I feel like id last all of 5 minutes before becoming a blubbering mess! I’ll be sticking to the ghost trains at the fair!

Haunted House

Catering, Fun Story

Willy Wonka Style Desert

27 February 2019

Willy Wonka is every child’s idol, his ability to make the most magical flavoured sweets, the bright colours, the fun factory, the shapes and textures and when he opened his factory to the six children as an eager child when you watched the film you could almost taste the sweets as you followed the story round the jaw dropping factory. 

The edible garden, the everlasting gobstopper, the fizzy lifting drink, the willy wonka chocolate bar, the lickable wallpaper, and the one that caught everyone’s attention the Three course meal gum. Imagine how amazing the experience would be to have a starter, main and desert all in one piece of chewing gum, a meal on the go would be so convenient. Such a good idea yet more than 40 years on and were all still waiting to be able to go into the local Asda or Morrison’s and purchase some of this gum!

Willy Wonka Style Dessert Created In Scotland

It seems that Scotland may be one step closer to this than the rest of the united kingdom after a Gelateria in Inverness created the ‘world’s first burns supper ice cream’ although this may not be the chewing gum that we all wanted it is a step in the right direction and has become a viral sensation. Scotland have officially created the first Willy Wonka style desert.

The Gelateria are claiming that this is the first time Haggis, Neeps and Tatties have been made into an ice cream which they then top this off with a whisky cream sauce. Both the boss and employees from the venue promise that this main/desert tastes amazing in their social media post entitled ‘Who wants to try the world’s first full burns supper gelato?’ proved very popular racking up hundreds of likes and more than 8,000 viewers.

Rabbie Burns Day

The willy wonka style desert ice cream was created to help celebrate Rabbie Burns Day and his 260th Birthday. Available for a limited time only they received a number of positive comments.

Personally I don’t think I’d be joining in trying this special desert as something about cold haggis is very off putting however I do feel that Willy Wonka would be proud of this creation and I do hope this is a start to some unique and special deserts being created. I don’t know about you but I would be partial to try a spaghetti bolognaise ice cream or maybe sausage egg and beans ice cream! It definitely vary’s from the original boring flavours such as the vanilla, strawberry and mint choc chip.

Burns Night Article

Catering, Fun Story

This Years Most Popular Wedding Trend?

23 February 2019

Weddings are full of tradition, just like the rhyme ‘something old, something new, something borrowed something blue’, the ceremony, the father walking the bride to be down the isle, and of course the wedding bouquet.

In the initial celebrations after the wedding ceremony has been conducted the bride will throw her bouquet of flowers and the guests at the wedding, usually the women rush in a mass brawl to catch this bouquet. This tradition was introduced from America and it was claimed that whoever catches the bouquet will be next to be married.

However 21st century new trends are set to change this tradition. this years most popular wedding trend is said to be candyfloss bouquets.

In the modern day with technology and social media being the most popular outlet, brides are looking for the most social media friendly wedding with lots of Instagram worthy extras. Amongst the most popular trends last year were instagrammable place cards and flower arranged aisles, but no one was ready for the traditional fairground treat ‘a stick of candyfloss’ replacing the longstanding traditional bouquet.

Who started the trend?

The Unicorn Crafts owner Faheema Chaudhury started the trend with a social media post from her wedding. She decided to create the one-of-a-kind-bouquet for her wedding day as she has a love for candyfloss and just knew that it had to be part of her wedding. It now seems that brides across the globe are hung up on this crazy sugar high trend as the number of requests for ‘candyfloss bouquets’ has increased.

We have to admit that this most popular wedding trend, the candy bouquets do create a unique and fun wedding picture. Definitely Instagram worthy however there is so many impracticality to this, for example most wedding parties have small children involved? Taking candy from a baby is one thing but taking a full stick of candyfloss is a completely different story, and what about rain?

Candyfloss takes seconds to disintegrate. Even at the mere word rain or humidity never mind the walk to and from the church. Another health and safety aspect is the stick. If the bride throws the bouquet then how many potential eyes are going to be poked out with a flying wooden stick. Never mind how many outfits, or hair styles that could be destroyed when the sticky sugary mess sticks!!! Although I suppose if they were mainly used for the ‘do it for the gram’ purpose then so many possibilities can be created especially a jazzy boomerang video.

Reports are stating that its not only candyfloss taking center stage as newlyweds have also been spotted carrying pizza, donuts, feather, books and paper alternatives! Definitely a fun idea that I’ll be watching out the next wedding I go to.

Wedding Trend Article

If you hire a candy floss cart, we can provide you with a floss bouquet as well.

Fun Story, General

The Last Flight Of Mi Amigo

22 February 2019

For those who haven’t seen it on the news, or social media, Mi Amigo was a
USAAF B-17 Flying Fortress that was returning heavily damaged from a raid. It crashed into trees in Sheffield’s Endcliffe park. At the time a group of kids were in the park, having met up for a prearranged fight!

One of them, a gentleman called Tony Foulds, witnessed the pilot turning the aircraft to avoid the kids and sacrificing himself and his crew to save them.

Memorial To The Fallen

As he grew up, Tony started to tend to the memorial that had been placed in the park. A labour he has undertaken for 6 decades. This was unnoticed by all except a few locals. Until a chance meeting with Dan Walker. Host of a radio programme for the BBC he was jogging through the park. Noticing Tony sweeping the monument they got to talking. Tony explained what he was doing and why. He told Dan his ambition was for a memorial flypast to commemorate the anniversary of the crash. Dan told him to “Leave it to me” and decided to help. He tweeted about the meeting, asking if anyone knew how much the red arrows would cost. Dan found the story going viral, with both U.K. and U.S. military chiefs contacting him regarding the request.

A Memorial Flypast

The upshot was that on 22nd February, a number of both countries military craft flew over the park in tribute. The final flyover was 4 Mcdonnell Douglas F15 Fighting Eagles, which flew the “Missing Man” formation. This is a poignant tribute, where the flight approaches with 4 craft in close formation. One of the middle aircraft suddenly breaks away and climbs vertically, leaving the rest of the formation to fly on with an obviously missing place. This is to honour a pilot, who can no longer fly the formation due to his death, and was a fitting tribute to the heroism of a long ago pilot.

F15's flying misin an formation
F15 Strike Eagles Fly The Missing Man Formation
WW2 Dakota Airplane
WWII Era Dakota Transport
Eurofighter Typhoons
Eurofighter Typhoon Fighter Aircraft Saluting The Mi Amigo

Now you might well ask, what has any of this got to do with a company specialising in Corporate Entertainment. Well, to be honest, nothing really, other than since I obtained my Private Pilots Licence I have had an increasing interest in aviation. Oh, and if it wasn’t for men like the crew of that B17, this blog might well be called Zuckerwatte Verrückt (That’s German for Candy Floss Crazy).

Fun Story, Photo Booths

Prison or holiday home?

20 February 2019

Do we want our prisoners in a prison or holiday home.

The latest available data shows a current prison population of approximately 92,500 in the United Kingdom, in context for the population of England and Wales alone that’s 179 prisoners per 100,000 of the population. With the highest age bracket being between 30-39 with over 25 thousand prisoners, followed closely by the age bracket 25-29 and with only 645 prisoners aged 15-17 years old.

When thinking about these shocking statistics and, the number of criminals that are behind bars little thought is spared for the family at home. The partner that’s now left to look after the family on their own. The kids who don’t understand what’s happening but know that mummy or daddy isn’t around anymore? The parents who don’t know where they went wrong but now their child is wasting away in a prison cell?  

Well good news a Nottinghamshire private prison facility has introduced a photo booth into their family visitor’s rooms in early march. They are installing the photo booth so that inmates can take photos with family members. This is to help reinforce both a positive atmosphere for children who are visiting their parents in the prison. Also for the inmates to have the opportunity to bond with their family. This creates a positive rehabilitation experience.

The oxford dictionary definition:

Prison : A building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime or while awaiting trial

This has received much backlash from others who have expressed that by installing the photo booths into the prisons its making the legal punishment system a laughing stock. Promoting prisons as a holiday home rather than a building which legally holds people as a punishment.

I personally feel that this small movement can help to make the transition for children visiting parents slightly easier and more comfortable because let’s face it the children are innocent, it’s not their fault that they have a parent who’s broken the law yet they now have to live with this and being punished also.

Prisoners at the privately-run  HMP Lowdham Grange gave the opportunity to use the booth to capture group shots. With relatives during visits, an inspection report revealed. Ministers introduced the photo booth initiative having highlighted the importance of enabling prisons to have relationships with their loved ones when behind bars. Providing positive reinforcement helps with reintegration.

The photo booth gives a print out that both the family and inmate can keepp. Allowing them to share memories and keep each other close. Im sure you all agree that punishing the prisoner is fine. However as a society we shouldn’t be punishing their innocent children. After all they too are victims of their parents wrong doing!

Catering, Fun Story

A hard core sugar rush

17 February 2019

Ever had the candy cigarettes as a kid? You’d stand and pretend to smoke them thinking you was cool before you’d end up giving into temptation and eating it all before drawing out your next candy cigarette and pretending to puff away again? Just like an adult, well how about a new extreme of pretending candyfloss is meth?

For one lady in Georgia it isn’t all fun and jokes with her candyfloss oh no she was in fact arrested when her candyfloss was mistaken for meth, she evidently wanted the hard core sugar rush. The 41 year old spent 3 months in prison due to not being able to afford her £780,000 bond. The candyfloss was tested positive for Methamphetamine which police have since said was due to a defective drug test.

The lady who had purchased the light blue and pink bag of candyfloss, or cotton candy in America, was wrongfully accused of meth trafficking, possession and intent to distribute meth to the public. This led to her 3 month imprisonment in which she stated she had missed out on many special family events such as the birth of her twin grandsons.

Laboratory testing

A state laboratory then tested the candyfloss to reveal that there had in fact been a mistake and the candyfloss was made purely of sugar and food coloring, the lady in question was then released however her record has not been cleared even though she was found innocent of any wrongdoing.

A 2016 an investigation found that cheap drug test kits that are often producing false positives which has resulted in many people being wrongfully jailed. Often labelled as drugs has been mints, cookies, tea and other harmless products! Sounds like it’s safer to cut out the junk food in America and stick to water and vegetables.

How is candyfloss made?

You make candy floss by putting sugar into the drum in the center of the machine. The center machine heats up to 180 degrees centigrade which then pushes the sugar through the mesh of the drum and candyfloss is webbed and formed. In order to change the color of the candyfloss you can add different coloring to the sugar. Here at the office we have thought about adding a powdered alcohol to the sugar to see if we could make alcoholic candyfloss however maybe this is a new market we could look into adding pure colorless methamphetamine powder… I know that the sugar rush and the color pigments can send a child hyper but I wouldn’t have thought a sweet treat you buy from the fairground for your kids would be mistaken for a deadly street drug talk about a hard-core sugar rush.

BBC Article

Ask about how to hire a candy floss cart without the meths addition.

Fun Story

Valentine Surprise For Cheating Girlfriend

14 February 2019

14th February is, as I should imagine you know already, St Valentines day. The day reserved for lovers. The day when you give your loved one a Valentine Surprise. However one boyfriend decided to use the day to express his displeasure after discovering his girlfriend had cheated on him.

Handing over a beautifully wrapped gift box, you could see the excitement in her eyes. As she sat back to open the box, he exited the car, deadlocking the doors behind him so that they couldn’t be opened from the inside.

Read The Full Story Here

In the video you can see her reaction, when she opens the box and releases hundreds of cockroaches. She tries to climb through the roof screaming for her boyfriend to let her out, as the little critters spread everywhere.

Check out our desserts, ideal for Valentines day events.

Catering, Fun Story

Cops & Doughnuts

3 February 2019

Its been a longstanding joke, especially if you watch Hollywood movies, that cops & doughnuts are intricately linked.

More evidence of this has emerged with a story about a Krispy Kreme truck catching fire. The lexington Police department in Kentucky posted images on social media, of officers in mourning for the loss of the doughnuts.

Police departments across the nation were quick to offer their condolences, with the University of Kentucky Police Department writing “We feel your loss,” . “We donut what else to say.”

Krispy Kreme Respond

The company joined in the spirit of things with their reply;

Although the police in any country have a difficult job to do, its nice to remember that they are still, human, and a little humour is never a bad thing, so lets all spare a thought for cops & doughnuts.

Catering, Fun Story

Sweet Crime Or Punishment

31 January 2019

Sweet Crime

Life in prison can be tough, it’s a form of capturing and rehabilitating criminals to help keep our streets safe. Prisoners are allowed few comforts, food, warmth, pictures of loved ones.

One of the biggest comforts being Cigarettes. A new law was introduced which revealed that smoking in prisons was being banned however. This is for the health and benefit of everyone involved in prison life. Prisons across England, Scotland and Wales have made a commitment to move towards smoke free prisons as soon as possible in a safe and controlled way

Treats For The Inmates

HMP Kilmarnock in Scotland was the first prison to make headlines for their approach to cutting out the cigarettes. A few days after the ban was introduced prison wardens went round the cells with a bag of popcorn and candy floss for each member. Giving the inmates sweet treats, helping them with their cigarette withdrawal cravings. The next night they took red kola and a word search booklets to the prisoners. It surprised many prisoners to find a bag of goodies waiting for them many joking that they were concerned about the weight may put on now. As a result they’d changed their nicotine fix to a sugar fix.

Much praise greeted this move throughout the legal system, everyone knowing it can be hard to kick a cigarette habit . Especially so in a prison environment, hence the offering of sweet treats. To take their mind off the cravings and hopefully help them. Liam Kerr receiving a negative review on this however. Stating that he felt the justice system would become a laughing stock for offering inmates candyfloss and sweet treats, it’s a prison not a holiday home.

We have given our candyfloss and popcorn out at many different events. To many different people for many different reasons. No one asks us for prisons however. I wonder if this will be a new trial that all prisons offer to inmates. I know I wouldn’t turn down free candyfloss or popcorn ever! Is this a sweet treat or a sweet crime?

View more details in the media.

Hire a candy floss cart, or popcorn for your event.